2010年3月30日 星期二

Question: does from time to time to install IIS, SQL services, but the MOM 2005 still can not detect.

Question: does from time to time to install IIS, SQL services, but the MOM 2005 still can not detect.
Dear All,
I have a Windows 2008 R2 的 srever, top with IIS, SQL services.
I have checked SQL, computer Attributes, but the MOM 2005 Agent has no basis for compuer Attributes found in the relevant Rule.
Will may be the problem?
Icon: Computers do when IIS, SQL services, but the status bar does not show., Rules there is only Agent-rules.
http://lh6.ggpht.com/__X8SEpnYBww/S7K5vlRlqaI/AAAAAAAAScY/PNGYADFu-04/s1600-h/image% 5B3% 5D.png

http://lh5.ggpht.com/__X8SEpnYBww/S7K5xUEtkMI/AAAAAAAAScg/jFErlrKxvXM/s1600-h/image% 5B21% 5D.png

Icon: check Computer Attributes: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, the computer identified the installation of SQL, on and have corresponding Value.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/__X8SEpnYBww/S7K5zk9mbgI/AAAAAAAASco/p74JYfL00J0/s1600-h/image% 5B17% 5D.png

http://lh6.ggpht.com/__X8SEpnYBww/S7K53JlvQwI/AAAAAAAAScw/QlBt-sbPGvU/s1600-h/image% 5B13% 5D.png
